How to Improve Your Life in One Year by Combining Fitness and Finance

In this blog post, I will talk about how to improve your life in one year by combining fitness and finance.

How to Improve Your Life:

 Ten Steps to Improving Your Life in One Year

Based on my book Wealth & Fitness: The Keys to Self Improvement, here are the ten steps to improving your life in one year:

  1. Change your mindset.

Start with your why. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to improve? Why do I want to continue improving?

As told in my book, the why for achieving such a goal stems from my story. Growing up In Brooklyn, I saw people getting kicked out of their homes because they cannot afford to live there anymore.

Due to this, I vowed to improve my life so my family won’t have to experience such things.

  1. Set some big-ass goals.

Being fit and financially secure means setting big goals. To become wealthy and healthy, you must set both short-term and long-term goals.

As stated in my book, your long-term goals should determine your short-term goals. Meanwhile, your short-term goals must help you reach your long-term goals.

  1. Set a plan for each goal.

Setting goals may be great, but you have to follow them through. This means that you have a plan guiding you to achieve your goals.

When doing this, be as specific as possible. For instance, if you want to be financially free in one year, plan how much you need to invest each month.

  1. Develop new hobbies and skills.

Hobbies and skills are crucial to improving your life. This may mean getting more certifications or exploring new interests.

  1. Outwork everyone.

Always push yourself. You must outwork everyone around you to reach your full potential. You must fail over and over because then and only then, will you achieve your goals.

  1. Learn how to move in silence.

In this digital age, people like to document everything on social media. Sometimes, they do it too much it hurts their progress.

Don’t be like them. Discuss your dreams with yourself, and let the silence speak.

  1. Consistency and discipline produce results.

You cannot half-ass your way to success. If you want to reach your goals, be consistent and disciplined.

As stated in my book, consistency makes you work on your goals every day, while discipline helps make the right choices.

  1. Failure is a must, so embrace it.

Failures are milestones to success. If you want to succeed, fail more. Then, embrace them and adjust.

  1. Reinvent yourself.

Your image, style, and status are a reflection of whether you’ll be successful or not. Hence, reinventing yourself is another crucial component of success, one you shouldn’t miss.

  1. Enjoy the journey.

Your road to success may not be 100% pleasant, but you should enjoy it all the same. Remember, your journey is just as important as your destination.


The importance of improvement for anyone can’t be overstated. In a gist, it’s what bridges you to the goals you want to reach. Combining fitness and finance― the two most essential aspects of life― will get you there.

If you want to know more about how to improve your life in one year by combining fitness and finance, check out my book Wealth & Fitness: The Keys to Self Improvement now.

You can also find out more about me, Curtis Miller, my mission, and how to improve your life and become your best self at